Moving | Forwards, sideways, backwards in fighting stance | Ebi (moving on the ground by turning the hips) | | | |
| Tai-sebaki (turning away) | | | | |
| Fend off attacks, rotate, change sides, and stand up, from seated position | | | | |
Ukemi-waza (fall techniques) | Backwards with and without rolling | | | Roll over kneeling partner | |
| Sideways with and without rolling | | | | |
| Forwards roll | | | | |
| Flat fall | | | | |
| All falls followed by fighting stance | | | | |
Atemi-waza (strikes) | Direct punches left and right | Yoko-geri (side kick) | Ushiro-geri (back kick) | Kakato-geri (axe kick) | |
| Gyakuzuki (punch delivered with rear hand) | | | Hook | |
| Uraken (punch with the backside of the fist) | | | Uppercut | |
| Empi (elbow strike) | | | | |
| Hiza-geri (knee strike) | | | | |
| Mae-geri (front kick) | | | | |
| Mawashi-geri (oundhouse kick) | | | | |
| All atemi on (kickbag of) moving uke | | | | |
Nage-waza (throws) | O-soto-gari (large outer reap) | Kubi-nage (neck throw) | O-uchi-gari (big inner reap) | Ko-uchi-gari (foot sweep) | Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi (propping and drawing ankle throw) |
| Ashi-barai (foot sweep) | Ippon-seoi-nage (single back throw) | Hiza-guruma (knee wheel) | Ashi-dori (leg takedown) | Uchi-mata (inner thigh throw) |
| O-goshi (full hip throw) | Tani-otoshi (valley drop) | Tsuri-goshi (lifting hip throw) | Harai-goshi (sweeping hip throw) | Kata-guruma (shoulder wheel) |
| All nage-waza in attack situations | | Tai-otoshi (body drop) | Morote-seoi-nage (double handed shoulder throw) | |
| | | | Tomoe-nage (circle throw) | |
| | | | Maki-kome (sacrifice) | |
| | | | Yoko-guruma (side wheel) | |
| | | | Sumi-gaeshi (corner reversal) | |
Kwansetsu-waza (locks) | Kote-gaeshi (wrist lock) | | Kannuki-gatame (inner/outer arm lock) | Atamo-ago-gaeshi (hair/chin turn) | |
| Ude-gatame (arm lock) | | Juji-gatame (crossed lock) | | |
| Ude-hishigi-juji (arm bar) | | Ashi-kansetsu (foot/leg lock) | | |
| Ude-garami (bent arm lock) | | | | |
| Waki-gatame (armpit arm lock) | | | | |
| All kwansetsu-waza in attack situations | | | | |
Defenses | Uchi-uke (inward block) | | | | |
| Jodan-uke (high block) | | | | |
| Uchi-harai-uke (sweeping block) | | | | |
| Gedan-barai (downward block) | | | | |
| All defenses in attack situations | | | | |
| All defenses followed by counter | | | | |
Jime-waza (choking techniques) | | Hadaka-jime (rear naked choke) | | | |
| | Okuri-eri-jime (double lapel choke) | | | |
| | All jime-waza in attack situations | | | |
Escapes from holds | Chokehold one hand | Two variations for all escapes | Around the neck from the side | Chokehold two hands laying on back, two variations | |
| Chokehold two hands | | Around the neck from behind | | |
| Wrist grap left on left right on right | | Chokehold on ground | | |
| Wrist grap two wrists grap from above | | Chokehold from behind | | |
| Wrist grap two wrists grap from underneath | | Including situations when attacked from a distance | | |
| Bear hug | | Defending against two attackers taking turns | | |
| Around the neck from the side | | | | |
| Hold on gi | | | | |
Randori | Kicks/punches without contact | From a pinned position | Tachi-waza (sparring practice standing) | | |
| Ne-waza (sparring practice on the ground) | | | | |
| Starting off sitting/laying against standing attacker | | | | |
Kata | | | | | Series 1 and 2 of e-bo-no-kata or own kata |