Start semester

With the start of the semester next week training will once again resume! The trainings for Judo, Jiu Jitsu and Karate will be spread over four days. It will start of with Jiu Jitsu on Monday at 18:00, Tuesday will have Judo at 18:00, Wednesday has Karate at 19:30 with finally Jiu Jitsu again on Thursday at 19:30, for the full schedule click here.

During the semester different activities/workshops are planned, more info about specifics will follow later!

See you all in the Dojo!

Update on karate

Hi all, from coming week the karate lessons will start again!
Please note that due to this, the schedule has changed a bit, the new schedule can be found here.

Krav maga will unfortunately no longer be given, due to a lack of instructors for this sport.

Update on Karate / Krav Maga (FIXED!)

Unfortunately the karate teacher will stop giving trainings in the new year. This means that the ticket hour offered by X on Thursday will be cancelled.

The association hour on monday will continue to exist, however, since there is no official trainer, this will now be more of a free training.

With regards to the krav maga aspect of the training; this will also be up to you to decide if / how you would like to train for it.

We will keep looking for a new trainer. If you know someone, please let us know!

Training schedule

The new training schedule for the upcoming academic year is now uploaded to the training schedule tab! Any further changes to the schedule will also be uploaded to this tab with dates for which it is accurate.