Judo Belt Exam Requirements

Ukemi-waza (fall techniques)From stance, sideways fallFrom moving, sideways fallFront fallFalling sideways
Roll forward and backwardRoll forward and backward over ukeFalling backwards over uke
Nage-waza (throws)Left and right while movingKo-uchi-gari (small inner reap)Okuri-ashi-barai (foot sweep)Koshi-guruma (hip wheel)Uchi-mata (inner thigh throw)
O-soto-gari (large outer reap)Tsuri-goshi (lifting hip throw)Ko-uchi-barai (foot sweep)Hane-goshi (spring hip throw)Sumi-gaeshi (corner reversal)
De-ashi-barai (foot sweep)Harai-goshi (sweeping hip throw)Yoko-tomoe (side circle throw)
Hiza-guruma (knee wheel)Morote-seoi-nage (double handed shoulder throw)Maki-kome (sacrifice)
O-uchi-gari (big inner reap)Tani-otoshi (valley drop)
O-goshi (full hip throw)Tomoe-nage (circle throw)
Kubi-nage (neck throw)
Ippon-seoi-nage (single back throw)
Tai-otoshi (body drop)
Ne-waza from throw
Renkaku-waza/renzoku-wazaOne combinationTwo combinationsThree combinations
Kaeshi-waza (countertechniques)One counterTwo countersThree counters
Hikkomi-wazaOne technique
Osae-waza (pinning techniques)At least one variation per techniqueTate-shiho-gatame (verical four quarter hold)
Kata-gatame (shoulde hold)
Kesa-gatame (scarf hold)
Yoko-shiho-gatame (side four quarter hold)
Kami-shiho-gatame (upper four quarter hold)
Kansetsu-waza (locking techniques)Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame (reclining perpendicular armbar)Ude-gatame (arm lock)Hiza-gatame (knee arm bar)Waki-gatame (armpit lock)
Ude-garami (bent arm lock)
Jime-waza (choking techniques)Kata-juji-jime (half cross strangle)Hadaka-jime (rear naked choke)Gyaku-juji-jime (reverse cross strangle)Any of the following sankaku:Kata-ha-jime (single wing lock)
Nami-juji-jime (normal cross strangle)Okuri-eri-jime (double lapel choke)Morote-jime (single lapel choke)Yoko-sankaku-jime
Situational ne-wazaUke on elbows and knees; four techniquesUke on back, tori between knees, two techniqueTori on back, uke between knees, two techniquesUke on elbow and knees, eight techniquesUke on elbow and knees, ten techniques
Uke on elbow and knees, six techniquesUke on stomach, two techniques
Nage-no-kataOne series of choice